Pleasant Family
Mary-Sue is 24, Daniel is 25
Before Pleasantview, there was BWS. How different would their lives be if Mary Sue and Daniel never had the twins? If they had never even stayed together. If they never moved to Pleasantview.
Daniel and Mary-sue get to their new apartment. Mary wanted to be a teacher. She always loved kids and wanted many of her own. After a full ride at BWSU Daniel was now in the big leagues.
He needed to keep up his physical form as best he could so Daniel headed to Black-Out a local jock gym.
Daniel needed to be quick on his feet if he ever wanted to make starter.
Mary-Sue on the other hand had problems of her own.
Mary-Sue: Ohmygod do they ever stop?
She couldn't be 100% sure of what they were doing but it was very loud.
Daniel gets back from the gym and heads straight to the bar. This was one of the biggest reasons he choose this place, the fully stocked bar that was included in rent.
Mary-Sue had enough, she marched next door to confront her neighbor only to find out he was a vampire and she best mind her p's and q's.
Mary-Sue: Dan, we live next door to a vampire that I am pretty sure killed someone today.
Daniel: You always did have a great imagination. How bout you come over here and put it to use.
Daniel was right, maybe she was just imagining it. He was very pale but that didn't mean he was a vampire. Mary-Sue pushed it out of her mind for the time being and focused on her lesson plan for tomorrow. Who knew what the future held but we are going to find out.
I love my BWS but I always wanted to do an uberhood too. I have way too many challenges going on to start an uberhood so I decided to combine them. Daniel and Marysue look a little different, thats' just my defaults everything else is pretty square. <3 p="">
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