Welcome back to another chapter of BWS. Last time, Madeleine flew through the culinary career while June was useless and the had a baby name Flogal. Madeleine puts Flogal down so she can make herself something to eat. Same, I was hungry after childbirth too. Madeleine makes some yummy mashed potatoes While June finds an opening in his dream job again! Madi must really love this man if she can deal with his wardrobe choices. Flogal sleeps as peaceful as a baby can with a stinky diaper. I shutter at the rash this kid must be getting. Madi is pregnant from her and Junes fun in the sheets. I am not pleased at ALL. At least it is Flogal birthday so I only have to deal with one baby at a time. More then I can save for my beloved Baca family. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Flogal is a girl. Either way she is pretty. June had the highest aspiration so he gets to smart milk and train the babes. I,...