Juju started reading a book to Beyonce. She was such a bright child but if he sat next to this stinky dog house one more second he was going to pass out.
Juju was finally able to get away from that dog house and escape to his robot bench. It had become his new escape from his crazy family.
It seemed everyone in the family had an escape. Kesha rocked out to some music while playing chess. She had no idea how good she was because it was rare anyone played with her but she still enjoyed playing.
Juju was doing fantastic in his career and hadn't been late since he had been fired.
Kesha was so happy that there were finally some more teenagers in town. Natalia had things to do after school so only Robbie came home with her.
Kesha felt a little bad for ignoring her friend but her papa was saying crazy things and she could not stop laughing besides Robbie looked like he was having fun either way.
Juju came home with a promotion. He was so close to topping the career. When he first started this job he always said when he got to the top he was going to change the time you had to go to work but now he didn't think he was going to keep with that promise. He actually enjoyed waking up early and getting home early as well.
Joe made dinner for everyone but the triplets were so tired after school they went straight to their beds for a nap.
Kesha was really good at making sure Rover had enough food. A lot of times Juju would forget about the food dish and the dog would be hungry until he came home from work.
The worst part about having a big family was things broke often. Juju cursed his way through fixing both the showers.
The oddest thing Juju did yet was read a book to Tank and Amber Rose across the street in front of the Black families house.
The next morning everyone was in such a rush to get out the door they totally forgot about breakfast. It stayed on the stove far to long and set the stove on fire! Thank goodness for the fire alarm or else Joe and Tank could have been goners.
Joe couldn't figure out why Natalia was calling in the middle of the day. Why was she skipping school so much and why did she think Kesha would be skipping as well?
Joe still made it a priority to spend a lot of one on one time with Tank, his only son.
Juju needed 2 more body skill points to get a promotion so he went out to the store and bought an exercise machine. The family came into their bedroom to check it out. No one else got to try it out though because Juju wouldn't get off of it.
Juju always told his children if some random stranger that they didn't know called to tell them he wasn't there. He hated those magazine salesmen, or in this case saleswoman.
Juju spent so much time on that bike that he passed out in the bed, as did Beyonce from her long day.
The triplets had their birthday later that day and they couldn't be more excited.
Amber Rose
+Formal Wear/Charaisma
LTW - Woohoo 20 Sims
LTW - Have 2 grandchildren
Romance/Grillled Cheese
- Fat
LTW - Graduate 2 kids.
Amber Rose
The season ended with Juju back on the bike and maxing out his body skill. He completed this of course during the triplets birthday.
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