Welcome back to the Bug family. Last time June moved to town and started his dream job, he even got to level 3. June is having no luck with love, like at all. Everyone he has met dislikes him, poor guy.
June really couldn't figure out why he rubbed everyone the wrong way. This is why June prefered children. Adults just didn't care for him much.
"You are the most obnoxious sim I have ever encountered. Never contact me again." June sighed, there goes another one. No one liked him.
One day though June met a woman who seemed to enjoy his company.
"Young man you remind me a lot of my grand kids."
"I do?" June said surprised.
"Oh yes. Quick witted and determined. I like you!"
June and his new friend talked long into the night before she had to go home.
After Junes' friend left he set about building snowmen in the snow. He was so happy and at ease. He finally had a friend, maybe things were looking up.
Of course the best thing about making snowmen was tearing them down. June jumped on his snowman after work the next morning. The snow was starting to melt and June thought he would help it but he just couldn't make himself tear down the first one.
Just after he finished knocking the snowman down he sees Rose walk by. Maybe he could get them back on neutral ground, he greets her but she starts with an attitude.
"What the hell do you want June."
"I just want us to get on neutral ground. You don't have to be my friend but maybe we could walk pass each other with the meanness." June was hopeful but at the look on Rose face this conversation was a mistake.
"This is what I think of your offer June." He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This woman was crazy, she had to be.
"Hey little guy, I've had a hard day maybe you will be my friend."
The answer to that was no. The skunk sprayed him before running off. June felt defeated and just wanted to call it a day. With slumped shoulders and a defeated ego June got into his bed. What an awful day this has been.
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