Welcome back to another chapter of BWS. Last time, Madeleine flew through the culinary career while June was useless and the had a baby name Flogal.
Madeleine puts Flogal down so she can make herself something to eat. Same, I was hungry after childbirth too.
Madeleine makes some yummy mashed potatoes
While June finds an opening in his dream job again!
Madi must really love this man if she can deal with his wardrobe choices.
Flogal sleeps as peaceful as a baby can with a stinky diaper. I shutter at the rash this kid must be getting.
Madi is pregnant from her and Junes fun in the sheets. I am not pleased at ALL.
At least it is Flogal birthday so I only have to deal with one baby at a time. More then I can save for my beloved Baca family.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Flogal is a girl. Either way she is pretty.
June had the highest aspiration so he gets to smart milk and train the babes.
I, of course, sent Madeleine to work (I am a vicious slave Sim driver. At least she comes home with a promotion and a second pop.
Later that night she goes into labor like a wonderful sim that she is. I try to give her everything she wants because I love her so. (In case you didn't know I have my pregnancy on 1 day.)
I had to delete my game and then reload it so I totally forgot that the special effects camera was on but it made for some really cute pictures.
With the introduction of another little one, there little awkward house didn't work anymore so I tore it down and built this one. I soon find out that all of that was for nothing. >.<
Since I sold most of the furniture I had the lovely founders get to diggin' so they could afford the bare minimum.
Madeleine hit the jackpot with a few maps and a treasure chest so we were able to afford more than the bare.
Madeleine is a great mother and I love her so much. I am sad that I have never come across her before because she is probably my favorite townie ever.
On his first day of work June gets a promotion! That's what I'm talking about.
Please for the love of all sim gods, no more babies!
Well fuck you both.
Hmm, I don't think I ever introduced the newest member of the Bug clan.
Meet Flash Bug. She is a cutie fer sure!
Madi pregnancy makes itself known. I really think they hate me and this is there revenge for me never liking this family. I will say that have gotten a hell of a lot more interesting.
Once again June is on smart milk and training duty
Because his wife is too busy trying to keep herself alive.
Here we go again!
Ha .. Ha ha. We all know how this goes by now. Madeleine did not have only 2 babies.
Once again with the special camera, only this time I didn't think it was so beautiful.
Andddd he got demoted because he can't ever do anything right. (We're not gonna talk about how this was my fault and that I didn't read the chance card because it was mid birth)
THAN Madeleine does something unforgivable. She rolls this wish right here! I have a hard time telling her no so I locked it in. GRR. Stupid me and my soft heart.
Oh look, ANOTHER birthday. Kill me now.
West Bug
Jewel Bug
Batter Bug
Do you see this? 5 freaking toddlers! In 4 fucking days, Madeleine has had 4 children and ruined my life! At least my founders are happy though amrite?
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