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Black Family - Round 6

Last time, Tisha got pregnant right after a promotion, Joel also got a promotion and then Tisha gave birth to triplets. 2 boys and 1 girl. Tisha got another promotion and then the twins grew up. Whew. 

The round starts with Tisha and Joel being cute together and Tish showing off her 6 pack. 

Joel wanted to learn some logic skill and own a chessboard so he got a 2 for 1 deal.

Tisha wasn't happy about having to go through the toddler stage again x3. At least this time she had smart milk. 

Robbie goes out to greet some people. I like it when my neighbors know each other. 

I send Tisha out to greet a pregnant Madeleine. 

Joel goes out to gain some logic points  and I am just hoping against all odds that he doesn't get taken again because I will give those babies up too.
Don't judge me!

Joel still needs that logic point, I got too nervous he would get abducted. 

It is finally the twins birthday!

They age up simultaneously.

Natalia Black-Jeffress
LTW- Become Space Pirate 

Robbie Black-Jeffress
+Formal Wear/Makeup
LTW- Become Criminal Mastermind

Natalia gets a makeover and I fall in love with her.

I didn't change much on Robbie. I just gave him a beard.

After her makeover Natalia goes out into the living room to dance. It is one of her favorite things plus her OTH.

Natalia rolls the wish to go to college so I lock it in and at the end of the round I will send all the kids off to college that want to go. Robbie didn't want to go so he won't be going. 
